Team Discovher (Jamie Sun Jae Choi, Youngryun Cho, and Julianna Bolívar) created this website in Fall 2022 for their final project in Design for Digital Systems at CMU. The assignment was to build a functional prototype through Codeanywhere and Wordpress. This project was based on our research on "search fatigue," as well as the lack of leading female characters in the media. In 2021's top films, women represented only 34% of all speaking roles. There is also a lack of representation for women of color; nearly 60% of 2021's major female characters were white.
To get movies about women that suit your interests, Discovher provides three categories to choose from: Interest (a genre or theme), Mood (how you would like to feel during/after the movie), and Region (which cultures, ethnicities, or regions you are interested in seeing representation for). You can toggle keywords on or off to narrow down your results accordingly until you filter out movies you would like watch. Happy discovhering!